Letter from the APSG Chair

17 Apr 2013 9:22 AM | Anonymous
Dave Byrne, the APSG Chair, speaks about the upcoming APSG spring meeting.
A Letter From The Chair
April 17, 2013
Dear Members & Guests,

It’s April and that means that our annual APSG Spring Meeting is just around the corner! This spring we’re getting back to basics by focusing on how we got where we are today in geodesy and why it matters greatly to every one of us. Plan now to join us on Friday, May 10, for a valuable and much anticipated series of presentations by industry experts from around the world on the topic of “Getting Back to Our Geodetic Roots.”

This spring’s meeting features six outstanding talks that will examine and explain the full historic impact of geodesy in chronological sequence up to and including our present “reality”. Have you ever asked the following fundamental questions?
  • Why I am not working in just WGS 84?
  • How and why were datums and map projections created?
  • Why are there so many geodetic datums?
  • Where does height figure in all this?
  • What and why is the geoid important?
  • How were measurements made before satellite technologies?
Many historic events do influence today’s handling of geodetic data in our business so it’s instructive to reflect on that history and understand how to correctly evaluate and integrate historical data with our current day spatial data. Come to the spring meeting and get the answers to all of these questions and more.

Register for this meeting TODAY and then come join us on May 10th for a great day of reflection, insight, learning, networking, and just plain fun! See the agenda and check out the Upcoming Events section of the APSG website home page for all the details of the APSG29 Spring 2013 Meeting.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact the APSG Webmaster at apsgwebmaster@gmail.com.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Dave Byrne
2012-2013 APSG Chair
Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics

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