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Registration is Open for the APSG Canada Chapter

17 Sep 2013 4:16 PM | Anonymous

 Registration is Open for Canada Chapter Fall Meeting - October 30th, 2013

Registration Open for APSG Canada Chapter Fall 2013 Meeting
September 17, 2013
Dear Members,
The Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics Canada Chapter is pleased to announce registration is open for our Fall meeting October 30, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM in Calgary, Alberta, followed by a social. The Theme is "Examples of Oil & Gas Web Map Development". Please CLICK HERE TO REGISTER - Registration is limited to 70 attendees, with preference given to current APSG members.
We have a Call for Presentations open until October 18th, 2013. At that time we will provide an Agenda and other meeting details. Please submit a note to Mark Dumka (MTDumka@Shaw.ca) if you're interested in making a presentation. At this time, we have presentations lined up from three major Canadian oil and gas companies, a provincial regulator, and two service companies. We will likely get three more presentations.
Web mapping is a very interesting topic and almost everyone in our industry does or may benefit from it. We will review different kinds of implementations and the various business needs that resulted in the development. We can also expect to see a variety of technologies used. Those experienced in this area will recognize and benefit by comparing to the work others have done, and those not experienced will see a way forward to exploit this exciting technology.
We still have an open position for the Chair. The Chair is responsible for delegating any/all tasks to members of the Leadership Committee. Besides that, the Chair typically organizes meetings and communicates with Houston APSG Leadership and other organizations. The Chair also provides leadership, helps set the Canada Chapter agenda and goals, and assists the Membership coordinator with various membership tasks. If you’re interested, please submit a note to Mark. Please include a brief paragraph or two on your background and why you're interested.
Mark will continue to serve as Interim Chair until the Canada Chapter Fall Meeting, at which time we will pass the Chair position to the best candidate. Mark will continue with the Leadership Committee.

Mark Dumka, John Spreen, Richard Andrews, Dean Mikkelsen, Matthew Tait
Association of Petroleum Surveying & Geomatics
Canada Chapter Leadership Committee


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